Dad’s Funeral

Dad’s funeral was last Friday. My father was a WWII vet and had requested a burial with military honors. The National Guard Color Guard performed the flag folding ceremony and presented the flag to me, and the American Legion played "Taps" and performed the rifle volley. It was all very well done and touching.

Dad’s pastor of visitation before he died was a retired Army Chaplain and officiated the memorial service and my uncle pastor Wes gave the message. It has been a long and very busy week, but I am glad that my father is now home with his Savior, Jesus Christ. My father was a pastor and a steadfast man of God. He was as human as the rest of us, but he had a kind heart and touched lives of many during his time on this earth.

We will miss him and we look forward to seeing him in his new body when we are united again in Heaven.

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